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Discussion 5 PSA 5_Modern Japan

Discussion 5 PSA 5_Modern Japan

Q 1. What were Japan's proposals for a Japanese-led Asia? What appeal might Japan’s slogan “Asia for the Asians” have for some Asian nationalists? What aspects of Western society might cause the Japanese to argue that the West will become economically inferior to East Asia in the future? 2. Discuss the Rape of Nanjing. What were the wartime goals of the Japanese? Why are these atrocities less well known than those perpetrated by the Germans in Europe? 3. Why did Japan attack the United States at Pearl Harbor? What was the significance of American intervention in the war? Was the war between Japan and the United States inevitable? 1. Japan’s Plan for a New Asia. Plan for the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 1942. 1. What is Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere? 2. Were Japanese imperialist goals different from the goals of nineteenth-century European imperialism? If so, how are they different? 2. The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1. What is the purpose of this report? 2. What unexpected effects of the bombings did the investigators find?

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Japan’s proposals for a Japanese-led Asia were encouraged by their desire for imperial gain over south-east Asia. Japan always wanted to become the most powerful country in Asia and hence the main goal has been to establish that they are more powerful than the western power namely America. Japan’s goal has been to make the American power inferior than Japan and to diminish the domination of America and other western culture on Asia. With the Alliance to China, Japan wanted to have dominance over the business market and their intention has been to minimize the greed that was established by the Americans.